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I need to create a routable map for Czech and Slovak republic combined. I have had success in doing this by getting the shapefile downloads from cloudmade or geofabrik.

Cloudmade is great because the cutouts are actually extending over the borders and thus you can combine two countries after getting rid of duplicate shapes. This works fine with lot of processing steps,but there is a crucial problem - the osm_id is not in the extract. This is a major problem for me as I would like to add lot of speed information into my data and I need to periodically update the data from OpenStreetMap. I assume this is going to be an issue without unique reference id that is provided by OpenStreetMap.

Geofabrik extracts do contain the OSM reference plus some more important values (such as maxspeed and road numbers), but they don't overlap and if I combine the two extracts (one for Czech and other for Slovak republic) they do not seem to connect. The links that are in both countries are missing. This is obviously a big problem.

What would you think would be a best way to proceed ?

I am at this moment trying to upload both bz2 files into a PostgresSql database to be able to extract the shapefiles myself. Is that a viable path ?

Thanks for any hints given.

asked 18 Jan '11, 06:42

Tomas%20Pajonk's gravatar image

Tomas Pajonk
accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Jan '11, 06:42

The ideal solution would be to have a planet PBF file with data split into a grid or some other way. Then you'd be able to download the planet, but relatively quickly extract the areas you're interested in.

The only current solution I know of is to download planet.osm and use osmosis to extract the rectangle around Czech and Slovak republics. Then you could additionally remove areas outside of those two countries (again using osmosis). But I don't know how long that would take.

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answered 18 Jan '11, 08:53

Breki's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

So far this seems to be the only way. I am downloading europe.b2z and plan to use osmosis to achieve my goal as you said.

(18 Jan '11, 11:41) Tomas Pajonk

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question asked: 18 Jan '11, 06:42

question was seen: 5,688 times

last updated: 18 Jan '11, 11:59

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