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In Mexico we have "salones de fiestas" (party halls). They are indoor or outdoor places that you can rent for an afternoon and hold a children's birthday party or similar. They often have a few playground-like things (swings, ball pits, monkey bars).

I've been tentatively using leisure=playground, but somehow it doesn't feel right.

asked 17 May '13, 02:17

Federico%20Mena%20Quintero's gravatar image

Federico Men...
accept rate: 0%

edited 12 May '14, 11:42

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I'm fairly sure that it's been discussed previously at some point, but all I can find is this old thread on the tagging list.

(17 May '13, 11:54) SomeoneElse ♦

sounds like a playground. maybe add access=private and an operator=* to it?

(17 May '13, 14:21) moszkva ter

I wandered onto this old question accidentally, but in the mean time it looks like a good tag for this has been adopted: amenity=events_venue. "Facilities for events such as banquets, weddings, etc."

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answered 20 Jun '18, 00:33

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for!

(21 Jun '18, 15:38) Federico Men...

From Pieren's and moszkva-ter's replies, I think I have the answer:

  • leisure=playground, access=private (maybe operator= if it's a chain of places) for for-rent children't party facilities.
  • amenity=community_centre, access=private for privately-owned "social halls" - where you would hold a wedding reception or something.

Thanks to all.

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answered 17 May '13, 19:25

Federico%20Mena%20Quintero's gravatar image

Federico Men...
accept rate: 0%

Hi Federico since there has been this proposal using the term festival, you could consider the term festival as a value with the key leisure. Adding tags as name, roof, address etc following the tag list.

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answered 17 May '13, 11:09

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


I don't think that that's relevant in this case, unfortunately.

(17 May '13, 11:49) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks. But yeah, this is not quite a festival grounds. There are towns around here with festival grounds (e.g. the "annual horse fair" with its dedicated place), but these are small, privately-owned places.

(17 May '13, 19:22) Federico Men...
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answered 17 May '13, 14:53

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 17 May '13, 02:17

question was seen: 3,447 times

last updated: 21 Jun '18, 15:38

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