After a few years my node dissapeared? What is a reason for this? And how to appear again? |
Do you mean the rendering at the highest zoom level? The node is still there, even at the same position as the history indicates. As we cannot render every POI, especially if they overlap each other, the node isn't visible at zoom 18. But it is at zoom 17 and 16. By the way you seem to have used the wrong tag. "Stomatologija Kovačević" is a dentist, not a hospital. Please correct your tag accordingly. When looking at the other POIs in the surrounding area there seem to be many more wrongly tagged hospitals. You should fix this. 2
It was changed from hospital to dentist on 3 May and back to hospital on 14 May. Edit war? Tagging for the renderer (maybe dentist doesn't render whereas hospital does)? The cited website ( certainly looks more like a dentist than a hospital.
(15 May '13, 08:44)
what do you mean by "dissapeared"? Where? What was there before and what is there now?