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Hi, I'm a french student and I work with 6 other students on a project which aims at producing an application (for Android).

This application would be based on OSMTracker ( and would permit to upload GPS traces and to retrieve them later, considering the differents tags associated to these traces. We earlier saw that some bots are allowed to upload traces on however I didn't find how to get an authorization for such activities. Moreover, I searched on the wiki but I didn't find any information about how we can retrieve these traces once they're on OSM servers.

That's why I'm asking you if this kind of activities is possible or else who I should contact to get more informations about it.

asked 14 May '13, 13:01

Vince4x4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

re: retrieving tracks: apparently, you need the GPS trace ID to download them through the API, see .

GET /api/0.6/gpx/[id]/details
GET /api/0.6/gpx/[id]/data

I am not aware of a method to search for GPS traces based on tags that is exposed through API v0.6 or XAPI.

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answered 15 May '13, 21:57

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Massive import of tracks is under the same regulations as data imports, see this article. Be careful, because smartphone tracks usually are low quality ones, pretty often they are almost unusable.

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answered 18 Feb '15, 21:02

BushmanK's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 14 May '13, 13:01

question was seen: 4,029 times

last updated: 18 Feb '15, 21:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum