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I it's improtant to put public bikes in cycle map.

The locations are available in RSS/KML here

asked 14 May '13, 12:08

Bubu2012's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

just playing a bit - you can view the kml file as layer on a OSM background:

(14 May '13, 14:13) aseerel4c26 ♦

Yes, it would be very useful to map these bicycle rental services in OpenStreetMap, then they will appear on OpenCycleMap. If you want to go and survey and map some, they can be tagged as amenity=bicycle_rental. This will show on OpenCycleMap as a yellow square, with a C symbol.

If you want to use data from other sources, eg that official website, then you should follow the Import Guidelines. Specifically, check whether that data is available under a suitable license. Also discuss it with the local community, and work out whether the data is accurate, and how it can be combined with any of these places already mapped in OSM.

permanent link

answered 14 May '13, 13:33

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 14 May '13, 12:08

question was seen: 1,982 times

last updated: 14 May '13, 14:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum