In a big square around Los / Hamra Sweden all lakes disappeared. Can somebody restore them?
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The Bing background seems to be just good enough to get rough outlines of the lakes. So zoom right in, click on edit, choose potlatch2, sign in, select bing background, zoom out until it appears, place cursor on the edge of a lake, shift click, move around lake edge shift click until you arrive at first node click it to complete the polygon, in the box on left pick water, click lake, name it, if you know what its called, click save, in box add source bing and local knowledge,save again. log out. you have a lake. I have just done this one If they have islands
(14 May '13, 23:00)
andy mackey
I had to press F5 a few times to see the lake it as been rendered at zoom 12, 13, but may take a while for all tiles to be rendered
(14 May '13, 23:22)
andy mackey
Hej Andy I just created the first Lake Thanks
(24 May '13, 22:40)
Good work, I can see it at some zoom levels already.
(24 May '13, 23:46)
andy mackey
Yes, there have never been lakes there in OSM, at least not from November 2010. So, as Andy M. suggested, feel free to upload these lakes. This will increase the (local) map's quality to many OSM mappers. Thanks. I will try to upload the lakes. Because we are talking about hundreds of lakes I hope to automate this.
(17 May '13, 12:00)
Do you know approximately when this happened?
I see not really recent edits there. Map compare with bing sat. Using Potlatch1's way restore feature i see no deleted way where there seems (according to the bing sat image which we are allowed to use) to be a lake (south of the street curve). I suspect it never way there?!
My first thought was that this may have been caused by the Redaction bot.
Hi gnurk, There are a lot of lakes missing. I think they where there half a year ago. In a square there are no lakes at all.
Hmm, that may be an effect of our change to a new license for which some parts of our data had to be deleted in July 2012. We are not allowed (by our own license) to use the data which was deleted in that action. So if they were not deleted accidentally/by vandalism (can be restored) we need to re-create them.
Hmm, that are a lot of lakes to re-create. Can we automate this?
Yes, and in fact the lakes southeast of that empty place there were created semi(?)-automatically: "created_by = Dshpak_landsat_lakes". Vectorization software can help. However, a manual trace may be better. And maybe such a mass semi-automated vectorization should be discussed before (forum, mailinglist, ..).
I traced many of the lakes manually.