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How does one extend an existing road/way in the iD editor? In Potlatch 2, you'd select the way, then select an end node and be on your way.

[note: separated out from]

asked 13 May '13, 14:58

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

As of iD 1.2.1, the process is now as follows. Imagine that this is the way that you want to extend:


Click the way:

way selected

Click on the end node:

end node selected

Click the "continue this line" icon on the radial menu (which has a slightly different picture associated with it on the live server):

continue this line

And now you can add more nodes:

adding more nodes

permanent link

answered 22 Oct '13, 20:01

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 23 Oct '13, 21:22

Your image links are broken

(18 Nov '22, 16:04) brightj

They are, but if if they hadn't been, they wouldn't have been any use. iD hasn't had a "radial menu" for ages.

This answer is from 2013, so it's not that relevant any more.

(18 Nov '22, 16:53) SomeoneElse ♦

First click on the Line button, then click on the end-node of an existing way, then move the mouse: you'll find that you're extending the existing way.


permanent link

answered 13 May '13, 15:34

sdoerr's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%


This used to be the answer, but as of iD 1.2.1 it seems not to be. If you do this you'll create another untagged way on the end of the way that you're trying to extend instead.

(22 Oct '13, 20:02) SomeoneElse ♦

switched the accepted answer to reflect updated version of iD

(09 May '14, 15:04) neuhausr

... and now that someone's woken the question up again, 8 years later, it'd be good for someone to answer it again, with screenshots, and for the accepted answer to be switched to that one!

(18 Nov '22, 16:56) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 13 May '13, 14:58

question was seen: 8,179 times

last updated: 18 Nov '22, 16:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum