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I am going travelling around Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia next week and have been trying in vain to put a Balkans map on my Garmin GPSMAP 62s. I can work on both PC and Mac but have had no luck with ether – either the software or the Garmin device does not recognise the map. I have downloaded tiles from a German and Norwegian site on the OSM site and can get neither to work. I have changed the name to gpmapsupp as is usually reuired but my device still does not recognise any extra files even though it is therein the Garmin folder. All I want to do is put a Balkans map on my device in order to know ehere I am going and to show where I have been. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Lee

(Additional info what I did:)

I downloaded the Italia tiles from on the site as this contained tiles for the Balkans in 1.4Gb and included gmapsupp.img

I also downloaded various files from where I selected several tiles to make up the Balkans but the file size was smaller. Four files were sent to me: windows.exe,, and

I backed up my Garmin files and loaded on the (which i decompressed first) but still can't vend the map on my device. Incidentally, when looking in the folder named Garmin on my device, there was no existing gmapsupp.img which I thought there might be. I assumed I should just copy the new gmapsupp.img to the Garmin folder.

asked 11 May '13, 15:25

eljaysheffield's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 May '13, 01:22

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Thanks for all your help guys. In the end it looked like the two maps that I had downloaded were just not compatible so i tried the Croatia map that was suggested and this worked fine. I also manged to find Montenegro and Bosnia maps which also work. Thanks again. Lee

(13 May '13, 18:54) eljaysheffield

It may be helpful to know which files exactly you downloaded from where (URL?) to easier guess your problem. Just add to your question ("edit").

Some first tips: Be sure to download a pre-made gmapsupp.img file (no ordinary tiles). You should be able to simply copy a file to your device - no software needed.

Some help links for you, in case you did not know:

It may also be worth to look at this closely similar question:

permanent link

answered 11 May '13, 15:54

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 11 May '13, 15:55

I have added info about what I did to my question. Does this help?

(11 May '13, 18:09) eljaysheffield

@eljaysheffield: thanks, that's useful info. What you did seems to be correct. Please try again and follow the description in malenki's link (copy the gmapsupp.img to a folder called garmin on the micro SD card). Currently, I cannot tell you if there should be a preexisting gmapsupp.img in the folder. I don't know your device - maybe you first need to select this map in the menu? You could also try this small (37 MB) AIO map of Croatia

(12 May '13, 01:45) aseerel4c26 ♦

Searching this help forum gives amongst others this helpful answer:
basic guide to download OSM to Garmin GPS


permanent link

answered 11 May '13, 22:40

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

permanent link

answered 11 May '13, 15:57

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 11 May '13, 15:25

question was seen: 35,259 times

last updated: 13 May '13, 20:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum