I think OpenStreetMap has some great maps and I want to use them for my own web site and print publication. Who do I ask for permission to use them? |
Good news: you don't need to ask permission, it has already been granted :) OpenStreetMap is (currently) licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-by-SA). This means you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work in any way you like, provided that you indicate that OSM is the original source ("Attribution") and that you are prepared to share your own work under the same terms ("Share-Alike"). You might also find this answer useful: "Can I use these maps on my website?" |
As stated here, you needn't ask anyone, but you should at least have somewhere "© OpenStreetMap Contributors, CC-BY-SA". It is also good if you have a hyperlink to openstreetmap.org. |