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Hi everybody, I'm new here and I'm writing for a simple question. I'm doing a university research on a specific area of a city in Italy and I would like to interview some users of openstreetmap who add symbols on the map of this area. Is there a way to find the users who add the symbols and to contact them? How can I do? Thank you very much! G.

asked 08 May '13, 14:02

G86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Among Pascal Neis' awesome ways to visualize OSM users (be sure to try OSMFight if you haven't!) is the OpenStreetMap Contributors' Map aka Who's around me? You can zoom in on an area and see contributors in that area, by first node, last node, overall activity center, etc, and also filter by how much they've contributed total. Then you can contact them via OSM messaging.

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answered 08 May '13, 14:55

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thanks neuhausr, very interesting and useful!

(08 May '13, 15:00) G86

As an example, consider this fish and chip shop:

To see the data on the map, zoom in and click the layer selector at the top right. Then click "browse map data". Click on the item that you're interested in (you might need to click "hide areas" at top left too) and then click "details" followed by "view history".

Now you'll see a complete history of the item - who added it, and who has edited it since. To send a message to one of those people click on their name, and then on "Send Message".

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answered 08 May '13, 14:24

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thank you very much guys!!! Have a nice day ;)

(08 May '13, 14:49) G86, where USERNAME is the name of the user you would like to contact.

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answered 08 May '13, 14:07

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 08 May '13, 14:02

question was seen: 6,854 times

last updated: 08 May '13, 15:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum