Dear all I've decided to create an account to underline few problems related to Cambodian borders. The first one is related to the sea demarcation between Vietnam and Cambodia. On the map, it seems that the equidistant rule has been chosen. This demarcation, however, is controversy. During the French domination, in 1939, the Indochina Governor Jules Brevie drawn an eponymous straight line to define a juridical demarcation between French Cochinchina waters and Cambodia ones. This line has defined the reference water borders between vietnam and cambodia after independence, even if VietNam had claims for the use of equidistant rule (claims on island have been made by the South Viet Nam in the 70s, and by Cambodia in the same period). Several treaties in the 80s (denounced as illegal by layers) have defined the contested zone as co-exploited zone. The draw water boundary is consequently inaccurate, and it might be better to replace it by the Brevie line, with the precision that this line is presently still not clearly recognised as a boundary. The second point is related to preah vihear area, which is on the Dandrek mountains, near the cambodian-thailand border. There have been several friction related to this 4.6 km square area, due to errors between the drawn border (by the French mostly, in the beginning of the 20th century) and the water separation line, which is supposed to defined the demarcation between Thailand and Cambodia in the 1904 and 1907 treaties. In 1959, Cambodia asked the La Haye ICJ to try the preah vihear temple ownership, and in 1962, the ICJ statued for Cambodia; but the question of the rest of this area is still unclear, and the ICJ have been asked recently for the sovereignty of this territory. The map here adopt the Cambodian reverification, even if nothing is statued. Is it possible to put one or two dashed line (for the two possibilities depending on the future ICJ decision) on this area to underline the unclear status of theses territories? [am I hallowed to do it myself without asking anybody?] |
When we changed the license, the Vietnamese maritime border was in risk of being deleted, so I made a new one based on the general 12 mile rule combined with my best guesstimate, so if you have better data, feel free to improve it. When I calculated the 12 mile border, I used an extract that didn't include all the islands, so I even missed some of the undisputed islands (like Con Dao) and have been planning to research if there are more undisputed islands that could "safely" be included, but I didn't have the time yet. In the other end of the Vietnamese maritime border, the user Wrightbus has made the border based on international agreements published by UN in "The Law of the Sea Bulletins", that would probably also be a good starting point for other maritime borders. In general we follow the "on the ground" rule for disputed areas where possible, so if you have on the ground knowledge about the Cambodia - Thailand border, you don't need permission to change it, but it would be better to discuss it first with the user(s) who made/updated the border or on the talk mailing list. Thanks a lot for all of these informations. Regards Y. Charles
(13 May '13, 07:40)
Yann Charles