How should one tag an event hall? I am thinking of a privately owned business which can be rented for weddings and similar events. Unlike amenity=community_centre it is not public. |
Hi, found this question when I was looking for this one about "party halls". My answer there was amenity=events_venue, which was added to the wiki in 2014. Yes, I think this tag supersedes previous suggestions.
(28 Jul '18, 19:52)
SK53 ♦
To get the hall to show on the map, draw the outline of the building and tag it with building=yes and give it a name tag. I would also give it an operator tag, with phone and website if this information is available. I suggest the amenity=hall tag which is in use by others, (another posibility might be conferance_centre), but looking at tagwatch may give you some further ideas for halls and centres. I agree that amenity=community_centre is probably not correct as the implication here is that it is run on a "not for profit" or a charitable basis by a local community rather than as a buisness. community halls and village halls can often be hired for events.
(09 May '13, 08:53)
andy mackey