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I am trying to work out what this is, perhaps someone else has seen these before? They are about 8 of them all with floodlights facing a lake (although I doubt the light would reach the lake due to bush on the shoreline of the lake).

These are located on the eastern side of Yellagonga Regional Park (Lake Joondalup).

What is this What is this 2

asked 06 May '13, 09:54

Russkel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 May '13, 12:40


Russkel, did you consider to make a call to the local authoriries or the firm who set them up, to ask them whats the use off it ? Hendrikklaas

(06 May '13, 12:04) Hendrikklaas

@Hendrikklaas, I have fired off an email to a volunteer group that monitors and takes care of the park. Authorities would be next, but I am not sure what this is and who it belongs to :).

(07 May '13, 12:21) Russkel

What's the name on the unit (visible, but not quite legible in the photo, at top left)?

(07 May '13, 12:28) SomeoneElse ♦

Good idea, @SomeoneElse, although this seemed to be the only one with that sticker which made me subconsciously disregard it as a random sticker someone slapped on. I can't read the source photos either. I believe it was something slang sounding and quite unscientific.

(07 May '13, 12:33) Russkel

At a guess... A flood lit mosquito killer.

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answered 07 May '13, 13:21

Firefishy's gravatar image

Firefishy ♦♦
accept rate: 29%


Oh how very interesting. During my searches I came up with lots of articles about the serious numbers of midgies around the lake. We may have a winner.

Edit: It has to be a bug zapper. Good thinking. Now... to tag it, haha. Thanks

(07 May '13, 13:24) Russkel

Solar panel powering the floodlight?

permanent link

answered 07 May '13, 07:54

Feilipu's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%


There are no solar panels on these units. What "sort of" looks like a solar panel is actually dirt that has accumulated onto the cage.

(07 May '13, 12:23) Russkel

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question asked: 06 May '13, 09:54

question was seen: 3,076 times

last updated: 07 May '13, 13:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum