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Hi everyone,

I defined a boundary for the suburb I live in, because the current placement of suburb places in the map causes my street to be found in the wrong suburb.

I did a multipolygon definition with the relevant ways in it and set the existing node for the suburb with the same name as label for the multipolygon.

However the multipolygon does not appear as the boundary for the suburb.

If I do a search for "Harleshausen" only the place-node is found not the boundary.

On the contrary if I do a search for "Prenzlauer Berg" there is a result for the place-node as well as for the boundary. I tried to do the definition of my suburb according to the settings used for the "Prenzlauer Berg".

Any hints how to get it right? What do I miss?

Regards, André

asked 06 May '13, 09:17

AnSc_de's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I assume that you are reffering to this boundary relation:


In the moment when writing this answer, the geometry of the relation is broken. Click the link above to see it ... before someone other is repairing it ... you can see this if you are listed there as the last editor.

Solution: There are two positions where the minor suburb boundary ways meet the bigger boundaries. The bigger boundary ways have to be splitted at these points.

So all ways in the relation need to form a closed circle.

I really recommend to do that splitting and fixing of the relation in the offline editor JOSM, and not in the online editor Potlatch2 that you used so far. Search the OSM wiki for more details and help.

And be aware: the Nominatim database needs some days or hours to be synchronized with the main OSM database.

According to the tags of the relation: this is looking fine on the first view.

permanent link

answered 06 May '13, 17:14

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


Thanks for pointing that out. I did not recognize the requirements for multipolygons from the wiki entry. I thought it enough that the path is closed not that the endpoints of two way must meet.

(06 May '13, 18:49) AnSc_de

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question asked: 06 May '13, 09:17

question was seen: 7,897 times

last updated: 06 May '13, 18:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum