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With Nominatim, how should I apply weekly changesets?

Should I use any Nominatim command or osmosis command?


asked 06 May '13, 05:02

sa9496's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please tell us if you have read this page already:

There are some hints about updating Nominatim's database.

permanent link

answered 06 May '13, 16:59

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Oh yes, of course I read it before I could set it up.

I also tried to run "./utils/update.php --import-osmosis-all --no-npi" to update the database after installation. However, what I'm aware is it will download multiple "hourly update" files and apply them one by one, which takes too long. In fact, on my computer with full planet file imported, it cannot even process 24 x "hourly update" file in a day. That means it can never catch up the "most recently" version of database....

That's why I would like to download the "weekly update" file and run it on my computer, I believe it's easier to handle...

Please let me know if I didn't anything wrongly. Thanks

(07 May '13, 13:06) sa9496

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question asked: 06 May '13, 05:02

question was seen: 3,581 times

last updated: 07 May '13, 13:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum