What licences are allowed for my own tiles when the database is ODbL now? For example, map1.eu has tiles under CC-BY-NC-ND. Is the NC-ND not against ODbL's copyleft requirements? |
Map tiles are a "produced work". You can release them using any license you like. The viral part of the ODbL only kicks in when you create a "derived work". E.g. when you combine OSM data with another dataset into a new "database". Try plugging "ODbL produced derived" into your search engine of choice and you will find many lengthy explanations/discussions. 4
Sorry but the answer is not quite correct, you can release a "produced work" under any licence as long as clause 4.3 of the ODbL is adhered too which essentially boils down to a attribution requirement.
(06 May '13, 11:42)
SimonPoole ♦