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Can someone tell me how to fix these roads ->

You can see that there is many separate roads called Henkisalmentie. How can i combine the roads in to one road. I tried to combine them in JOSM and Potlatch but I couldn't do it.

asked 04 May '13, 16:47

Rainis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is no need to combine them (which is impossible anyway as already explained). If these streets share the same name and are connected to each other via shared nodes (or are at least in the near surrounding) it is clear that they are in fact the same road.

(04 May '13, 19:20) scai ♦

The simple answer is you can't.

The OSM data model does not have a concept of a road merely that of abstract linear features (ways). A street which consists of several interconnected sections must perforce be represented by several ways sharing a common tag name=*. This has numerous advantages because there is no need to create a huge infrastructure to deal with the multitude of special cases which would arise if we tried to have a road primitive (dual carriageways, roundabouts, main highways with service roads, unimaginative street naming and so on).

You could use the associatedStreet relation to explicitly show that all these ways belong to a single named street.

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answered 04 May '13, 17:35

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 04 May '13, 16:47

question was seen: 4,027 times

last updated: 04 May '13, 19:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum