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Petrol (Gas) Stations often have an attached convenience store and other facilities, such as car washes. When the fuel location is mapped as a node, should additional facilities be added to that node, for instance with shop=convenience, or should they be mapped separately?

Note that the petrol station and the convenience store may have separate brands (e.g., Murco and Costcutter).

Please also see related question on naming Petrol Stations & Banks.

asked 03 May '13, 14:58

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 03 May '13, 15:04

As you already mentioned the fuel station and the convenience store may have different brands/operators. That is almost always the case here (Germany) and consequently they are usually mapped separately. Of course you can combine them if they share the same operator.

Instead of a node you can also map the fuel station as an area outlining everything that belongs to the fuel station.

There is no general rule whether to use the same element or create two separate ones. But the more details you want to add the more likely you have to create two independent objects. For example the opening times might be different for the fuel station and the convenience store.

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answered 03 May '13, 15:11

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 03 May '13, 16:10


That's why I kept it to nodes, as if mapped as ways it seems obvious to keep them separate. In the UK a lot of petrol retailers have their own brand convenience store, but more & more are moving to regular high street names.

(03 May '13, 15:32) SK53 ♦

I like the point about opening hours

(03 May '13, 16:23) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 03 May '13, 14:58

question was seen: 9,053 times

last updated: 03 May '13, 16:23

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