Dear all, I am looking for the following. I need to have a graph based representation of a city in Matlab. Preferably I would like to decide myself where exactly in the world. Therefore, I would imagine I would need the following: long. and latitude of nodes (points) that have a street in between (so where there is an edge present). In this way I can create a graph. Preferably I would also like to know the type of the street for each edge (main street, small street, etc.), but this is not strictly necessary. If I get it into a text file, I will be able to load it into Matlab. But I have no idea how to obtain this data from this website. I am completely new to this kind of street data and all the associated file types. Can someone help me with this? If something is is not clear about what I need please let me know. Kind regards. Roland I would really appreciate your help! asked 03 May '13, 10:04 Roland_d |
People have tried turning OSM data into a (mathematical) graph before - search this help site for "graph" and you'll get some helpful answers. Also, if you've not already read it, have a read of this page of the "Beginners' Guide" that explains what sort of data (in the sense of "what's in the XML file that you download")
That guide that you refer to seems to be only about editing the map. Where can i find how to choose which data to export and what not?
There are multiple possibilities. You can use osmfilter after you obtained the data or you can use some API that supports filtering like the Overpass API (also take a look at Overpass Turbo). Or you skip the uninteresting parts while parsing a data export.
osmfilter, osmconvert, overpass, XAPI, Geofabrik downloads, osmosis, imposm ..... Search the wiki.