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I downloaded an OSM to our PC - unzipped it, then 'sent to' our Garmin Nuvi 2455LMT. The new map is listed in it's Internal Storage as 'osm generic_gmapsupp', but when I try to access the map, it is not listed in 'myMap' to be able to select it. Can someone PLEASE help, I have spent two days trying to work out what I have done wrong - I'm sure that it is a very simple mistake that I have made, but, not being particularly GPS savvy, I am going around in circles.

asked 03 May '13, 08:48

janmatti's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to our Garmin Nüvi wiki page the file must be located in a folder named Map (see the notes for the Nüvi 2350). Try to create such a folder and move your map to it. Additionally, the name of the file must be in the form of gsupmapx.img (where x is anything, including nothing).

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answered 03 May '13, 09:20

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hi janmatti, Is the map / data readable on the pc if yes, it looks like its more a Garmin Nuvi problem and should be posted at a Garmin help site. Look here{f0a89a90-030a-11dc-e9ab-000000000000}/Automotive and make a selection or post your question there, greetz and happy trail.

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answered 03 May '13, 09:12

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Hi Hendrikklaas thanks for this - NOPE it doesn't open - when I try the PC asks if I want to burn a disc!!! What have I done?

(03 May '13, 09:36) janmatti

hi please try to read similar questions by typing download osm map for nuvi in the blank line above and try Scai s solution first.

(03 May '13, 09:46) Hendrikklaas

@janmatti you can't open the img file directly. You need a special application like MapSource or BaseCamp and as far as I know a converter, but I have never done this.

(03 May '13, 10:21) scai ♦

You could see if Garmin Basecamp will display the map when the Nuvi is connected to your PC if that works it would then suggest the problem is with the nuvi not the map.

(03 May '13, 19:07) andy mackey

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question asked: 03 May '13, 08:48

question was seen: 9,406 times

last updated: 03 May '13, 19:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum