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Hi. I'm trying add address numbers to my area. I have to drop a building, change it to a residence, add number, postal code, and street name. Can I automate some of this? Like drop a house instead of just a building, and have it guess on the street name and postal code? It would make it go a little faster.

asked 02 May '13, 11:20

Michael%20Colvin's gravatar image

Michael Colvin
accept rate: 0%


Some time ago I wrote, maybe this helps you in finding a more efficient workflow

(02 May '13, 20:50) escada

with the normal online editors like Potlatch2 or iD there is no very easy way to ad a big bunch of addresses.

But if you get to know how to use the offline editor called JOSM, there are some plugins that can make your life easier, like Terracer or HouseNumberTaggingTool

permanent link

answered 02 May '13, 14:47

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 02 May '13, 11:20

question was seen: 3,476 times

last updated: 03 May '13, 12:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum