Walking along a coastal path in St.Tropez I have come across a single lavish grave dated 1825-1925 with a name on it. How do I tag it?. Such single graves/tombs are not uncommen in the wide world. I have tag it as historic=wayside_grave but it will not be rendered. |
Individual graves have received little mapping attention on OSM so far, except for graves of famous people, such as that of Jim Morrison which is tagged Only use At least one OSM contributor has special knowledge in this area having done civil service in lieu of military service working in graveyards. There is considerable scope within OSM for mapping cemeteries (particularly war cemeteries) as it is often difficult to find a specific grave when visiting a cemetery after a number of years. It is for this reason I have mapped this cemetery in some detail as I visit it perhaps every 10 years. Each time I have difficulty finding my uncle's grave and I have never seen that of my great-grandmother. |