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In the Netherlands we have a phenomenon called "woonerf" where max speed is 15 km/h. I think it should be worthwhile to add a speedlimit of 15 km/h too.

asked 01 May '13, 16:45

Hans%20Voerknecht's gravatar image

Hans Voerknecht
accept rate: 0%


A "woonerf" is a "highway=living_street", isn't it? What is the question that you are asking? Are you talking about some editing software, or some routing software, or something else perhaps?

(01 May '13, 17:15) SomeoneElse ♦

No, but there is a label with a speed limit and among all the speed limits I can schoose from, there is none with 15 km/h which is in this case the speed limit for cars in a woonerf. So I's suggest to add a label speedlimit 15 km/h for these areas.

(01 May '13, 23:17) Hans Voerknecht

I guess you are talking about Potlatch's presets which offer only 10 km/h, 20 km/h and so on. You don't have to use these presets, instead you can switch to the advanced tab (at the bottom of the window) and enter whatever tag you like. In your case just add key maxspeed and value 15 (without the km/h because it is the default unit for maxspeed, see the maxspeed wiki page).

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answered 01 May '13, 17:49

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Please don't add a speed limit to Dutch living streets. This speed limit is implicit by the road type. (The only roadtype in the Netherlands were this actually works.)

See the Dutch maxspeed overlay. Please be patient as the overlay renders very slow.

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answered 01 May '13, 23:40

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 01 May '13, 16:45

question was seen: 4,323 times

last updated: 01 May '13, 23:40

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