I am building an iPhone application using Phonegap and OpenStreeMap. However, while I load OSM on my iPhone 5, it displays pixels. Would you have any fix for this? Or alternative that support high resolution devices? |
Your question is about high-resolution displays in general and not specific to one phone type. OpenStreetMap.org does not provide double-resolution tiles. But you probably shouldn't be using OpenStreetMap.org's tiles for your iPhone app anyway. Consequently you will need to either render your own tiles on your own server, or find a third-party service who can do this for you (probably at a cost). You can read a discussion on the OSM development mailing list in June and July last year; this suggests, to me, that Frederik Ramm's company Geofabrik would be good people to contact. If you wish to set up your own server, the basic instructions are at switch2osm.org but you'll need to adjust them along these lines. This is unlikely to be suitable for someone without specialist OSM knowledge. |