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I'd like to see how many OSM nodes, buildings and streets were added in a specific bounding box for a specific time period. Is there any documentation to walk me through this process?

Thank you, Alyssa.

asked 30 Apr '13, 19:20

apwright's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK. I am new to OSM and have yet to use the API. I am hesitant to jump in there, so will review at a later date. Is there any tutorial that can walk me through using the API?

Would it be helpful to provide my specific use case? I can't imagine that people don't want to know how many edits they've made in a specific time period, as a way to see their progress. We just had an event and I would like to see what sort of dent we made in the overall scope of the challenge. (ie HOT task).

Thanks, Alyssa.

(01 May '13, 01:25) apwright

you can see how many buildings/roads you have contributed to here. It shows the total till now but you can see the graph to estimate.,27.595326242529666,85.65696716308594,27.80810575146402&obj=building

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answered 01 May '13, 01:45

amritkarma's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but is there any documentation for this osm.linfinit? I couldn't find it on the site/github repo. I would like to see if I can add parameters for time and users, in addition to bbox and obj.

Thanks! Alyssa.

(01 May '13, 23:06) apwright

Perhaps the changeset API might be the place to start? Have a look at the section starting "Query: GET /api/0.6/changesets". You can search for changesets within a bounding box. You'll then need to process objects within each matching changeset to see if any were actually modified within your bounding box.

Nodes are straightforward - they have latitude and longitude. Ways are composed of nodes - you'll have to decide if e.g. a closed way that surrounds your bounding box counts as being "within" it. Relations are composed of Ways (mostly) and also possibily nodes. Again, you'll need to decide what you want to do about those.

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answered 30 Apr '13, 19:51

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

An alternative is getting the full history planet file (contains all changes, ever, anywhere), then use the history splitter program to cut out all changes in your area. The advantage over working with the changesets is that if a changeset has one edit in Alaska and one in New Zealand it will very likely be listed as being applicable to your bounding box (since it covers half of the planet) but it will also have zero edits affecting your area. After having the history extract, you'd essentially count the number of objects that have the right tags, the right timestamp, and a version of 1 (that means newly created).

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answered 30 Apr '13, 20:14

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

A useful tool for this type of analysis is OSM Mapper. You need to register (free) and thereafter you can view changes to area data (i.e. a specific bounding box) over time as well as get lots of other info.

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answered 02 May '13, 19:08

Feilipu's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 30 Apr '13, 19:20

question was seen: 4,553 times

last updated: 02 May '13, 19:08

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