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I'm having issues generating an OSM map with with Mapnik.

I am using PostgreSQL 9.2 with PostGIS 2 and Mapnik 2.1.x and python26 I am also on Oracle Enterpise Linux 6, which makes things a little less straightforward compared to Ubuntu.

I'm getting no features, only shorelines, which I know can be a common problem.

So far: I found this: /usr/local/lib/mapnik/input/postgis.input So I believe Mapnik was built properly with PostGIS.

Every time I try to run, I get no errors at the prompt. In my postgresql log I see all the SELECT statements with LIMIT 0 but no further SELECT statements actually querying for the features. On another server where I have things working with Mapnik 1.7, PostgreSQL 8.4, and PostGIS 1.5, I see the LIMIT 0 selects but also a bunch of SELECTs where the actual features are being queried.

I can also go into psql and try to run some of the osm.xml sql searches and I get results. I can also run:

SELECT * FROM planet_osm_line WHERE planet_osm_line.way && ST_MakeEnvelope(-226192, 6890886, -209682, 6896466, 900913);

Which give me a bunch of results in England, So I think my DB is loaded correctly from osm2pgsql.

Why is Mapnik stopping at the LIMIT 0 queries and not actually querying for the features?????

asked 29 Apr '13, 20:18

maw269's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Apr '13, 23:43

The issue was mapnik 2.1.x. This release had a bug. I moved to mapnik 2.1.0 and it worked.

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answered 15 Jul '13, 18:24

maw269's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Apr '13, 20:18

question was seen: 4,070 times

last updated: 15 Jul '13, 18:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum