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Hi I am new to OSM, and I have some questions.

we are running a GPS system which requires OSM data for addressing. we considered the planet map, but I think it is better to add region map when it is required, like our GPS system requires Chile map information, then self-host OSM server download Chile map, if it requires Colombia map, then the OSM system download Colombia map, which aim to reduce the harddisk consumption, is it possible?

and I am intend to use 2 servers,

  • 2X[64Gb RAM,256G SSD,3000X2 HHD, Hardware-RAID 1,Intel Core i7 3930K,Ubuntu 12.04,static ip],
  • Or 1X[64Gb RAM,256G SSD,3000X2 HDD, Hardware-RAID 1,Intel Core i7 3930K,Ubuntu 12.04,static ip] + 1X[64Gb RAM,256G SSD,3000X4 HDD, Hardware-RAID 10,Intel Core i7 3930K,Ubuntu 12.04,static ip] 1 for database use, and 1 for general use.

Is this OK to host planet data?

Also is it possible to advice me how to assign the resources of this 2 server to achieve the best performance.

Sorry,Guys, newbie here,and I hope I can have my private OSM server and API into use soon, thanks.

asked 28 Apr '13, 07:08

ansoncary's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Apr '13, 12:08

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Could be more explicit ? By Chile map, you mean map tiles? Osm data ?

(28 Apr '13, 07:24) yvecai

I need to achieve the street level information,which can achieve this? and lower harddisck consumption?

(28 Apr '13, 07:26) ansoncary

@ansoncary: please describe what you mean by "achieve the street level information". I think that is still not clear. Do you want to look at a map in street level zoom? Do you want to geocode addresses? Do you want to reverse geocode? Do you want to do routing?

(28 Apr '13, 12:06) aseerel4c26 ♦

yes,@aseerel4c26, we are doing a GPS tracking system, and need to addressing the lat and lon, which plan to host it by our own, we need addressing information down to street number

(01 May '13, 07:07) ansoncary

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question asked: 28 Apr '13, 07:08

question was seen: 2,877 times

last updated: 01 May '13, 07:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum