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i have a few Questions:

I use debug with: tail -f /var/log/syslog |grep renderd

At first:

If i want to Render Tiles, it throws me an errormessage: The tile is dirty. How can i skip this?


It takes long to Render tiles... After 10 Seconds i get a timeout (if it doesnt throw the errormessage dirty). How can i Change the Timeout to X Seconds?


I want that the renderjob do the rendeing in the background, and dont start it just when it is requested. Is there a method?


for example my tiles are old (one Month) is there a method to update the Database? Whats the fasted Method?

Thank you! :-)

asked 25 Apr '13, 19:19

asmardemir's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(It is possibly better to ask these as separate questions)

What do you mean that it throws an error message that the tile is dirty? Dirty tiles are a normal process and simply means they need re-rendering, as the content might have changed and are thus outdated. This should not be an error. If you don't use diff files to keep the database up-to-date, then the likely cause for this is that you didn't specify the date of the imported data via the file "planet-import-complete", in which case all tiles older than 3 days are considered as outdated.

You can change the timeout in the apache site configuration (see ).

You can use the render_list utility to pre-seed the tile cache. It is usually sensible to do this for at least all of the tiles up to about z12. Lowzoom tiles are usually to slow to render on the fly, whereas it is possible to do so for high zoom tiles.

With regard to updating there is a description of how to do this on . Assuming your db is up-to-date (either via a fresh import or via diff imports), you can use the utility render_old to re-render outdated tiles.

permanent link

answered 26 Apr '13, 08:55

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

ok thank you. Now i changed the Timeout to 5 minutes (300 Seconds) but it takes so long and i get timeouts. How can i upgrade the Performance of the renderer?

Best regards

(26 Apr '13, 17:20) asmardemir

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question asked: 25 Apr '13, 19:19

question was seen: 8,913 times

last updated: 26 Apr '13, 17:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum