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Hi all,

I'm getting 2 xml results for a mapquest open api place name geocode lookup (UK), both with geocodeQuality 'CITY', but one of the places is a school playing field. How do I get this changed to 'ADDRESS' as per other such places? Can I edit this myself somehow or do I submit a change/update request somewhere?

I've just tried using Potlach2 at but that really just lets you add and change features of the place, not the geocodeQuality status. At least, I couldn't find it.

Many thanks, Ash (BACP)

asked 25 Apr '13, 15:04

BACP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you say what you're searching for people may be able to investigate what's going wrong.

(25 Apr '13, 15:21) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks @SomeoneElse but nothing is going wrong. I'm asking how I go about getting OSM data updated. I thought I was clear about that. The specific location is immaterial, but here you go: Leicester in the UK is returning the city of Leicester (geocodeQuality CITY) and a school playing field in Uppingham, Rutland called "The Leicester" (geocodeQuality CITY). The geocodeQuality of the playing field should really be 'ADDRESS' in my opinion, as it is at the address of the school.

(25 Apr '13, 15:32) BACP

There is no information in OpenStreetMap about "geocodeQuality". This is something made up by the geocoding software that you are using. If you check the popular OpenStreetMap geocoder, Nominatim, with this query:

You will find that the football pitch is indeed properly classified as a football pitch. So either the software you are using has a bug, or - unlikely but possible - that pitch was once incorrectly labelled a city and you are working on that old, incorrect data set.

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answered 25 Apr '13, 17:15

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Pretty sure I haven't lost my marbles yet, but "The Leicester" in Uppingham is now returning as geocodeQuality ADDRESS, not CITY as before. Has someone read this thread and changed it I wonder? I also posted the Q over at MapQuest forum.

(26 Apr '13, 10:34) BACP

Whichever service I use there seem to be anomalies, making correctly filtering the results problematic when trying to present accurate information to users.

The Leicester example was using the url Using the nominatim.openstreetmap url fixes some things but throws up others, an example being Newcastle under Lyme, GB which returns <place... class="boundary" type="administrative" ...> instead of class="place" type="town/city", even though it has a <city> tag.

Using the the nominatim.openstreetmap url for specific city searches sometimes returns results in the order of City, County, sometimes it's County, City. It's consistent for individual places, but often incorrect in that there is no such County. There are numerous examples, but to take Leicester again, the returned results show:

1st... <city>Leicester</city> <county>Leicestershire</county> <state_district>East Midlands</state_district> Correct

2nd... <county>Leicester</county> <state_district>East Midlands</state_district> Incorrect

Perhaps these are cases whereby the city is 'technically' a County? But it doesn't happen for all cities - many return a single correct result.

(26 Apr '13, 12:00) BACP

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question asked: 25 Apr '13, 15:04

question was seen: 3,761 times

last updated: 26 Apr '13, 13:52

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