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How can I select an area when it shares its border with a neighbouring area? For example, if I want to select a forest area which is directly next do farmland, I click on the edge - but the farmland is selected instead or vice versa. Often, it's possible to simply click on another border of the area, sometimes it isn't, though. How can I select it then? So far, I deleted the neighbouring area, selected the other on and clicked "undo" (so that the other area is not deleted). Then I could select what I wanted to. Is there an easier solution I have not found yet?

asked 25 Apr '13, 09:14

Markus_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If I remember correctly, in Potlatch editor you select one of the shared nodes and press the / key. If that doesn't select the way you want, select the node again and press / again and it should cycle through all ways shared by that node.

In JOSM you need to middle-click (there may be other ways) and select from the pop up menu which of the ways you want.

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answered 25 Apr '13, 09:22

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


You're right, this is also included in the help chart of Potlatch. Does not work anyway as my keyboard layout doesn't have a seperate [/]-key. The slash is accessible by Shift+[7] - doesn't work, either.

(25 Apr '13, 09:35) Markus_

The "Potlatch_2 Shortcuts" wiki page has some suggestions for non-English keyboard layouts - that may help.

(25 Apr '13, 09:42) SomeoneElse ♦

Well, I have a German keyboard layout, still doesn't work with [#] but thank you, anyway.

(25 Apr '13, 09:51) Markus_

@EdLoach: you don't need to select the node again; just keep pressing '/' until you get the way you want.

(25 Apr '13, 10:01) Richard ♦

You need whatever key you press to return a code of 191 in Actionscript. has a little widget lower down the page which if you click on it shows you what codes each key returns if that helps you track down the key that works on your keyboard layout.

(25 Apr '13, 10:15) EdLoach ♦

Thank you! Now it works. The right key was [#] in fact, but I had selected the whole area instead of a single node. So with selecting the node it's working now.

(25 Apr '13, 10:22) Markus_
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question asked: 25 Apr '13, 09:14

question was seen: 3,300 times

last updated: 25 Apr '13, 10:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum