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Hi All,

I have a question regarding the offset required in JOSM to ensure mapping accuracy in China. Fiddling about a bit, it seems that the offsets required in JOSM to put the imagery in the right position are 493.42; -237.87. These seem like massive numbers to me as I have seen somewhere that Bing is normally offset by 8.00; -6.00. Are my numbers correct are am I missing something?

This link to Geofabrik's excellent map compare tool shows the discrepancy.

Thanks in advance,


asked 25 Apr '13, 00:42

Feilipu's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Whereabouts are you seeing GPS traces in order to align the map? I don't see any on that island at all...

(25 Apr '13, 09:36) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse There's a handfull of traces further south. I think the OP was using GM as a reference to think that the imagery needed aligning.

(25 Apr '13, 09:54) Vincent de P... ♦

The Bing imagery seems to be correctly aligned in this area: It fits the OSM roads perfectly, but more importantly it fits the available GPX data fairly well (tick "raw gps data" when downloading an area in JOSM; there isn't any traces rigth there, but there are a few further south).

The big discrepancy you see is between GoogleMaps and OSM, but why would you assume that GM is more correct ? As it happens, the Chinese government is known to insert big random errors when they provide map data to the public and especially to foreign companies. Google is distributing this intentionaly-erroneous data as-is, whereas OSM has gathered it own data, without artificial errors.

Aligning satellite imagery is hard. Search this help site or the wiki to get a few techniques. Ultimately, having many GPS traces available is still the best reference material. So if you can provide GPS traces of this area, please do :)

permanent link

answered 25 Apr '13, 09:52

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%


Thanks Vincent, nice answer :) I shall use 8.00; -6.00 in future. GPS traces here? No chance, for me anyway. Sensitive place you know, must be that scret sbmarine b*se that is visible on Google maps:) Best, Feilipu.

(25 Apr '13, 15:24) Feilipu

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question asked: 25 Apr '13, 00:42

question was seen: 3,781 times

last updated: 25 Apr '13, 15:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum