Dear all, There is a very convenient export feature that seems to be currently missing. Imagine you have found the place you are interested in and would like to forward this search to someone by email/tweet/etc. A very useful export feature would be a simple HTTP link to the resource. However, I didn't find this option. Could you explain? Thanks in advance for your help! Best regards, David. |
Many maps have a 'Permalink' link you can click to give you a URL which you can share. also has a 'Shortlink' option. Also, with the Permalink option on, you can manually modify the URL to have mlat= and mlon= instead of lat= and lon=, and this will place a marker at the specific location. -- Steve 2
Thanks a lot Steve. You are very right. I did not see the permalink and shortlink because they were written in the bottom right corner of the window in tiny green characters... My apologies for this. Would it be possible to also add them to the "Export" menu? I am sure this would help many people too. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
(22 Apr '13, 12:07)
David Bourgu...