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I found some information on the geography of the map (OSM) is not true for the geographic information sovereignty of our country as well as international recognition. This causes serious conflicts with users of the relevant country. I asked OSM to edit geographic information, how can I get contact with the OSM to do ? Thank you.

asked 22 Apr '13, 04:00

Quang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 22 Apr '13, 05:31

amritkarma's gravatar image


Please understand that there is no administrator. If you have a problem with OpenStreetMap, it is best to talk about it with the community, i.e. join your regional mailing list or forum and discuss the issue. If something is obviously wrong then you can simply sign up for an account and fix it.

Do not, however, attempt to impose your political world view onto others by simply fixing boundaries or renaming places where you know that there will be people who think otherwise; this will lead to back-and-forth editing by many people (what we call an "edit war") and it is undesirable.

In case of disputed borders or other conflicts, OSM will usually try to follow the "on the ground rule". So for example if an area technically is part of country A, but in practice is controlled by country B (i.e. you have to pass country B's checkpoints to enter, children learn country B's language at school, people who live there have country B's passport and so on) then OSM will map the area as being part of country B.

A good example for this is the city of Olivenza (Olivença) in Spain (Portugal): The city is legally part of Portugal but in practice it is controlled by Spain, and therefore mapped as part of Spain in OSM.

This becomes difficult if the terrain in question is not populated - there's a couple of islands that many countries lay claim to and you can't really decide what the "on the ground" situation is. In those cases we'll try to find a compromise that works for everyone, and if such a compromise cannot be found we might actually resort to not labeling the places altogether.

If you cannot solve a problem by getting in touch with the community then you may contact the Data Working Group.

permanent link

answered 22 Apr '13, 07:19

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 22 Apr '13, 04:00

question was seen: 3,901 times

last updated: 22 Apr '13, 07:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum