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how to add hotel kapistec in skopje

asked 19 Apr '13, 15:29

Hotel%20Kapistec%20Skopje's gravatar image

Hotel Kapist...
accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Apr '13, 02:15

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi, you can add it yourself: Go to our main page , Login, and click edit. Drag the hotel icon to the correct place, name it, save with a comment. If you need it: Docu wiki page about hotels (for detail info). Hopefully you will also add more objects in the surroundings of the hotel, but don't use google maps or other maps/databases as source, just your local knowledge).

Further/more info: Please see how-do-i-get-started-with-openstreetmap. In essence: You get help on how to edit at the Beginner's guide or at LearnOSM. Also search this site for questions/answers, or browse by tags (example).

Since you asked me via mail what is wrong with your edits (you simply should have mentioned here that already tried)... here is my answer:

Your hotel is here:

Please understand that "OpenStreetMap" is just a big database. Many different map styles are made of the data. In our main style the name of your hotel is not shown since there is no space to display it (name of the street collides). Please so not change the position of the hotel to a wrong position just to display the name in our standard style. The hotel will be found in search results. Enter "hotels near Kozle, Skopje" (without ") in the search box on However, in the aerial image ("sat image") in the editor's background it looks like there is no house at the current position of your hotel icon (if I assume that the aerial image's position is not too wrong). Move the icon to the centre of the hotel building. Maybe, your name will be shown then, too.

Please also understand that all maps need time to update to new data. So: if you change something it will not be changed on maps directly afterwards.

permanent link

answered 19 Apr '13, 15:40

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 20 Apr '13, 01:05

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question asked: 19 Apr '13, 15:29

question was seen: 6,046 times

last updated: 20 Apr '13, 02:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum