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Is anyone else finding that the automated bugs going into Mapdust are pretty much useless as of late?

I try to keep up with bugs in my area and keep on top of them. But with automated reports coming in thick and fast with very little description, often simply "other" as the only clue in bug "type".. Skobbler seems to be the main offender is there a good way to encourage the creators to put something meaningful in the bug reports?

A good example is: Bug 119474 but there are countless others like this in my area?

asked 13 Jan '11, 09:43

Ashimema's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, it can. I've been working with Skobbler on improving MapDust (I wrote the MapDust interface for Potlatch2) and doing some analysis of the bugs reported so far. There are various suggestions I have made to Skobbler for improving their navigation application interface to generate better reports, and they are also adding more features to the MapDust API to e.g. allow us to filter out bugs with default text in Potlatch2.

Improvements should start showing up over the next few weeks.

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answered 13 Jan '11, 11:04

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

That's great news, and exactly the sort of answer is was looking for.

Thanks Andy, keep up the great work!

(13 Jan '11, 12:30) Ashimema

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question asked: 13 Jan '11, 09:43

question was seen: 4,090 times

last updated: 13 Jan '11, 12:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum