i'm a newbie in Openstreetmap and I need to plot a polyline to get the coordinates like in Google Earth. 1. What app i need for this? 2. Can I import a kml file to Openstreetmap ? Thanks! |
you are pretty broad in your question (please specify), but try https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Track_drawing_websites - e.g. http://pifpafpuf.de/cycleroute/map is easy to use. There you can draw lines and save as gpx. |
Info regarding question 2. For the differences between KML and the data OSM uses, have a look at the XML schema article in the OSM Wiki. |
What do you want to achieve with importing a "kml file to Openstreetmap"? Oh, and please open a separate question for the second part. Questions should be only one topic here. And search for previous answers first, please.