Hello, I have been trying to set up an OSM tile server using the instructions from the following website: http://tiledrawer.com/ I've followed them exactly, but after setting up and running my Amazon ec2 instances and visiting the appropriate address for the instance, all I get is the "1. Installing Software (setup.sh)" screen. I've run this multiple times for hours, but it never downloads the software. I am using the free t1.micro servers provided by Amazon. So far, I have used ami-6fa27506 and ami-d0f89fb9 images for the servers, to no avail. The map I am downloading is 11 MB of OSM data, according to the tile drawer website. Here is the User Data TileDrawer has me input: #!/bin/sh -ex # Download 11 MB of OSM data from 1 extract. curl -s http://tiledrawer.com/scripts/script-128JZs.sh.txt | /bin/sh -ex I am quite the newb, and I simply do not know what I can do or what is causing the issue. |
The script you are using is attempting to download using an old URL. When OSM switched to OdBL geofabrik (the extract provider you are using) re-organized their URLs. The current link for geofabrik's connecticut extract is http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/connecticut-latest.osm.pbf and you are using http://download.geofabrik.de/osm/north-america/us/connecticut.osm.pbf You could modify the script to download from the new path, or ask Michal Migurski to update the URLs. Interesting. So I input the script directly into the "user data" section so it wasn't trying to access some text file (removing curl as well), only this time I changed the url to the provided one. Unfortunately, it still seems to have the same problem. same screen stuck on installing software.
(15 Apr '13, 01:46)
I think that the problem is asking for 11 MB of OSM data in one hit will cause the server to reject the request as too large. You need to reduce the size of the area that you are requesting (i.e. the number of tiles). It looks like the script that you are using does not handle this refusal and just keeps retrying, which is why it sits there for hours. Any nudges toward areas of the internet that would elaborate on where I could start or how I would go about doing that perchance?
(15 Apr '13, 01:46)
In light of the first answer, I'm not sure if my idea is correct. Maybe somebody can confirm the max data size request that server will accept. Good luck!
(15 Apr '13, 02:30)