Hello, I have set up Nominatim according to the wiki, and indexed Arizona data that I got from here. Now when I try to geocode addresses, no results contain house numbers. E.g. this query is geocoded successfully with the public Nominatim service and contains a house number. Running it against my Nomatim set up only resolves the street. What do I have to do to also index house numbers in my Nomatim instance? Is there a more detailed writeup about how Nomatim works internally? I took a look at the resulted database schema and it is not straight forward to understand. Thanks, Kosnstantin |
It is possible that the results are coming from the TIGER data that Nominatim uses as a fallback, not from OSM data.
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If i read http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TIGER correctly, TIGER data has been imported into OSM in 2005. That means it would be part of the Arizona data that I downloaded and indexed. Or am I missing something?
(14 Apr '13, 22:09)
You need the TIGER address data (as opposed to street data which is the one that has been imported into OSM). The process to add this data to your database is described in this question.
(16 Apr '13, 08:26)