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If given a latitude,longitude value, how can I convert this value to an OSM node.

asked 12 Apr '13, 17:07

Sadeer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Apr '13, 00:35

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

That's similar to reverse geocoding but apparently it is not possible to return a node with Nominatim, if I see correctly. Maybe with XAPI or overpass API.

(12 Apr '13, 17:12) aseerel4c26 ♦

Do you mean "any sort of node at all" or "a node with particular tags"? Not that it makes much of a difference technically, but it might help people imagine what you're trying to do.

(12 Apr '13, 17:44) SomeoneElse ♦

I'm building a route planning system: users will be able to click on a map to set their starting/destination places. A route will then be found between the given locations. Currently, I'm using Leaflet to allow users to set these places, and what it returns is lat/lon value when the user clicks on the map. Now, I'm trying to resolve the returned lat/lon values to the closest osm nodes which are part of some osm way.

Hope that makes sense.

(12 Apr '13, 17:56) Sadeer

@Sadeer: may it be that you are actually not looking for the closest node (which is part of "some osm way") but instead of the closest point on a way which is tagged with highway=whatever? I strongly think that you should have a look in the existing open source routing solutions for ideas or even code fragments (if the license is compatible). No reason to reinvent the wheel.

(12 Apr '13, 18:04) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 12 Apr '13, 17:07

question was seen: 10,143 times

last updated: 13 Apr '13, 00:35

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