Hi to all, happy new year. I need to create a shp from .osm, which will also have a column with the name of the user who last edited the object. Provided shapefiles do not include this information. I tried using 'osm2shp' and 'OSM Data Miner' softwares, among which the last one seems to be able to do it, however they both fail (most probably because of lack of memory, I am using an OSM file covering the whole Great Britain). I tried to use osm2pgsql, however installation is so complicated that I couldn't reach the end. Does anyone know any other way? Thanks, Thomas
This question is marked "community wiki".
The osmjs utility bundled with Osmium should be able to do what you want. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmium for some infos. Unfortunately the documentation is a bit sketchy at the moment and you will have to compile the software yourself. |