Hi, I need to export an OSM size of a certain size area e.g. 600m x 600m. Using the OSM export feature I plugged in the coordinates for the city that I'm interested in and can see down the left "Image Size 888 x 845". Does this mean that by selected coordinates span a 888m x 845m area and if not how do I specify an area of a certain size to export? Thanks in advance. asked 12 Apr '13, 13:31 kerrymaid |
This "image size" means that the coordinates, at the given scale, make for an 888 pixel by 845 pixel image. There is no way (with the export tab) to request exactly 600 by 600 pixels in size (but there might be with some of the Static Maps scripts), nor is there a way (with the export tab) to say "i want 800 by 800 metres" but if you have your coordinates right then it will give you that area on the ground. answered 12 Apr '13, 13:38 Frederik Ramm ♦ Hi Frederik, Thanks for the reply. Ok so I need to figure out the precise coordinates using some tool outside of OSM to ensure I have the correct sized area. I have looked at google maps but don't see this functionality either. Do you happen to know where I could figure out the coordinates for a fixed area size in metres?
(12 Apr '13, 13:45)
Just fix one corner of your area in lat/lon, then compute the other corner by offsetting your start coordinate pair by 600m - cf http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/2951/algorithm-for-offsetting-a-latitude-longitude-by-some-amount-of-meters
(12 Apr '13, 14:12)
Frederik Ramm ♦