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I downloaded a map last week, transfered it to the device, tested it, did some improvements, fixed some bugs, entered some new roads and so on. The changes also show online in the view mode. Everything nice, clean and just the way it's supposed to be. Today I downloaded the map for the area again and installed it on the device, but none of the changes I made show, the whole area is unmodified. What am I doing wrong? Second question: When I go to "Where to > Address", the device shows the message: "No map data availiable". How can that one be fixed?

asked 10 Jan '11, 15:40

Besold_200D's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Jan '11, 15:41

Most likely all you have to do is to wait. Depending on where your GMAPSUPP.IMG is from it might only be regenerated once a week.

Re the second question (and you really shouldn't ask multiple questions at once): That depends on which Garmin unit you use.

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answered 10 Jan '11, 15:49

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 11 Jan '11, 12:38

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

Re the first question, you're probably nothing wrong - as petschge said, you'll need to wait until whoever creates that file for you creates a new version. An alternative might be to use something like "mkgmap" to create a map yourself (see my answer here if you want to do that).

Re the second question:

  1. The map that you download must be routable. We don't know where you got your gmapsupp.img from, so can't really comment on that.
  2. The software used to create the map must be capable of creating address-searchable maps. The most commonly used (mkgmap) isn't quite, yet, although development is ongoing. However, with mkgmap-created maps you should be able to search for e.g. cities and POIs without issue.
  3. Some newer Garmin devices may have or have had problems with some routeable maps. Although you don't say what device you're using, I'm guessing (because the menu says "Where To") that it might be a newer one such as a Nuvi. Personnally, I've found relatively few problems with routing to e.g. POIs with a Nuvi 265w.
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answered 18 Apr '11, 13:25

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 10 Jan '11, 15:40

question was seen: 7,160 times

last updated: 18 Apr '11, 13:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum