is what I want to make, but tilted and with a photo overlay, etc. OSM is out of the picture, as it can only make rectangular maps. Qgis is 1000 times more harder to manipulate than Google Earth, and one cannot even rotate something out of the box. etc. etc. I used to use GMT but I don't recall being to yank it around like in Google Earth. I would just use a screenshot from Google Earth, but that is encumbered legally. So what should I use? I found a dataset, and managed to see it in Qgis, but ... FEH! Help! |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Questioner says "OSM is out of the picture" therefore this is off-topic for" by Richard 11 Apr '13, 09:39
If you really believe that OSM is out of the picture, don't use this help system (which is for OSM). However, check out Marble which uses OSM data and projects it onto a globe. 1
General GIS questions are better asked at .
(11 Apr '13, 09:41)
Richard ♦
OK but I couldn't even tilt marble. Though thanks anyway.
(16 Apr '13, 08:15)