Hi Guys, I'm new with openstreetmap and I want to overlay on the map only the relations. Is there a way to do this using the renderTheme ? Tanks |
In OpenStreetMap, a relation is a collection of nodes and ways. A relation does not have a longitude or latitude, but the nodes and ways in, do have them. There are different types of relations, see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relations. When you created your .osm file with a Overpass Query, you can "extend" the relation so you retrieve the nodes and ways in it. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Language_Guide. But it is also possible that your .osm file already has the nodes and ways in the relation. Yes, My .osm file already have nodes and ways related with the relations. The problem is how to specify that the relations should be highlighted by the mapsforge engine. Currently I did a script to add special tags into the way tags, but I don't know if it's the better. Thanks
(11 Apr '13, 17:58)
Thiago Lima
It's not entirely sure what you mean. A little web searching suggests that you might be asking about MapsForge - would it be possible to expand the question a bit?
I have an .osm file that has some tags called ralation. This tags represent buslines on the map. I need to make a renderTheme to highlight the "relations" on the map, however the renderTheme.xsd allows to make it only for "ways" and "nodes". In the openStreetMap official website it is possible to see a Transport Map. I want exactly that, but I don't see how to! =s