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Hi, I just bumped into Wikimapia for the first time and am trying to learn their copyright policies. There is some data on that site I wish to use here on OSM (names of military bases) but I don't want to join the organization merely to ask this question: "Can I use data found in Wikimapia on OSM?"

Wikimapia is apparently proprietary and up to June of last year the data, even though it as an all volunteer project, was not available for sharing. Then they adopted a new Terms of Use Policy more like that of OSM. I searched their User Forum looking for an answer to my question but could turn up nothing definitive. I did learn that some OSM mappers have used Wikimapia data in the past because they included attribution in their tag info.

Does anyone have specific knowledge about Wikimapia data usage?

asked 07 Apr '13, 16:08

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

That they are using Google imagery on their site and OSM aren't allowed to derive from Google imagery suggests that Wikimapia can't be used.

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answered 07 Apr '13, 16:45

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

I'm aware of their connection to Google but it is user supplied data I want to use, not Google imagery or Google data. It is complicated I admit. Maybe I better ask the question of them directly.

(07 Apr '13, 17:12) AlaskaDave

Hi AlaskaDave, You should follow Ed, if they’re data is based on Google, we should not add Google data to our own OSM data. If you’re able to follow the lead/name elsewhere for a conformation you’re free to add it to OSM. You’re personal observations are preferabel above all Greetz

(07 Apr '13, 19:18) Hendrikklaas

Ed is absolutely right. It's not complicated: Wikimapia derive from Google, and Google's T&Cs expressly forbid the uses that OSM want to make of OSM data.

Richard (just to give you some background to this unequivocal statement - I've been involved in OSM since the first months, have devoted more time than all but a few to the copyright aspects, and have done research at the Cambridge law library into deriving data from aerial photography)

(07 Apr '13, 21:16) Richard ♦

It is not possible.
I do not really have anything to support this statement, but last time I checked it was so.

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answered 07 Apr '13, 16:28

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

From their new Terms of Reference: Have things changed since you visited? F. All User Submissions of all users and all Wikimapia Data are freely available for commercial and non-commercial use under Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike through WikiMapia website, WikiMapia API and other current or future WikiMapia services. G. Public use of Wikimapia Data and it's derivatives requires special conditions: a. Link to Wikimapia data original url, if viewed from any web browser b. Mention of "" (with a link to, if viewed from any web browser)


(07 Apr '13, 16:47) AlaskaDave

There are three issues with Wikimapia data.

1) If it is CC BY-SA, it's incompatible with the OdBL.

2) If the "G" special condition is of any effect, it is not really CC BY-SA (although most attribution would meet their requirements)

3) It is not really CC BY-SA but is derived from Google's imagery without permission.

(08 Apr '13, 00:42) pnorman

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question asked: 07 Apr '13, 16:08

question was seen: 10,296 times

last updated: 08 Apr '13, 00:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum