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I know the question has been asked and answered previously but I have tried a couple of these methods and am not succeeding. For example, the "Free Routable Maps for Garmin" does not have a tile for the area I am working on which is Fripp Island, SC. It does have Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC but not the tile in between which includes Fripp Island. Secondly, I tried downloading from CloudMade but the I don't see a format option for Garmin.

Can someone give me a straightforward way to get this area (Fripp Island, SC) downloaded in a format that I can load into my Garmin to try out the routablility, finding POI's, etc.?

Thanks, Jim

asked 08 Jan '11, 22:26

discus277's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Assuming you are referring to this website: Free routable maps for Garmin brand GPS devices. Checking now, it seems it does have the tile for the area you want.

I assume you are choosing "South Carolina", from the drop down list. The problem is this selection doesn't work properly, so it doesn't actually select all of the tiles in that area. But you can still tick the box for "enable manual tile selection", then click on the tile with Fripp Island in to select it. Then fill in your email address, and click on "build my map", and you should get emailed a link to download it. Note: apparently the server is rather busy right now, so it might take a while until you receive the download link.

Also, for Cloudmade: They do have maps in Garmin format, they are the ones with "img" in the file name. eg for South Carolina, go to this page CloudMade Downloads, then download the file This is a zip file that contains a gmapsupp.img file, you just have to unzip this and copy it onto the eTrex memory card, in a folder named Garmin. Though note the CloudMade Garmin maps do not support routing.

permanent link

answered 09 Jan '11, 01:45

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Also for the US, take a look at the larger downloadable Garmin areas at , and choose the latest date. Those are compilations of larger areas on the Garmin.

permanent link

answered 09 Jan '11, 11:25

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 08 Jan '11, 22:26

question was seen: 22,268 times

last updated: 09 Jan '11, 11:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum