I want to load only certain elements from the .osm file into QGIS, say all elements with tags How can that be done? Using the OSM plugin for QGIS to "Load from File" causes it to load everything and makes QGIS non-responsive. asked 03 Apr '13, 23:07 nyxynyx |
Have a look at the OSM wiki about osmfilter And if you are really working with the OSM-import-plugin from QGIS; be aware that it cannot handle OSM objects with 64bit long identifiers, see hint at QGIS_OSM_Plugin answered 04 Apr '13, 16:44 stephan75 |
You can use QuantumGIS 2.0. process is here http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/73238/how-do-i-load-osm-vector-data-in-qgis-2-0/73334#73334 answered 04 Apr '13, 01:29 amritkarma |