I tried searching the wiki and Google with no luck. They are all over the place where I live there is one for every 1.5 suburbs. Some are called "Suburb1-Suburb2 RSL" I'm conflicted in what to mark it as, I've been to a fair few; they all offer a TAB, pokies and other gambling, an awesome* bistro and a small bar. Food is order at the counter pickup when ready. Would:
Be a good way of tagging it? Any help is much appreciated. *Main reason I visit asked 03 Apr '13, 09:33 superduck |
In principle the sensible tagging for these is I presume these clubs are member organisations, even if membership can be obtained at entry. For ones which it is practical for any passer-by the make use of the facilities then as you suggest This type of club is widespread in the UK (Royal British Legion, various forces associations), but I can also think of the Albanian club on Albulastrasse, Zurich, and the Casa do Benfica nearby on Mürtschenstrasse. Similarly I have mapped a pensioners club in Spain, Hogar del Pensionista Alcollarin, as a cafe because that seemed to be how it worked. answered 03 Apr '13, 10:35 SK53 ♦ |
Edit: I found the answer! http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Tagging_Guidelines#Licensed_Club Use: amenity=licensed_club
Polygon was drawn over Bing. I plan to add as many that I can, there is one piece of data I would love to add: Required Membership boundary - one must become a member if they are within this area and wish to enter. I'm not sure what relations are so time to search the wiki. answered 04 Apr '13, 03:11 superduck 2
amenity=licensed_club has 47 instances on taginfo: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/amenity=licensed_club. If these are all in Australia I would suggest that it might be better to use tags which are applicable more generally rather than fragmenting tagging by country. I notice we also have 13 amenity=working_mens_club. I so no reason why we should not use a single tag value for all the clubs discussed in this question.
(04 Apr '13, 10:59)
SK53 ♦
RSLs are only one of the many types of licensed clubs in Australia. http://www.clubsaustralia.com.au claim there are over 6,500 licensed clubs in Australia. I'm open to either (+1'd you because you have a good point) Is the Royal British Legion marked as social_club?
(06 Apr '13, 04:19)