I regularly use a quiet country road when out on my bike. However part of it is missing on OSM. How do I report this so that it can be updated? Cheers Lee asked 30 Mar '13, 16:24 lilolee aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Also, if you happen to have any GPS traces of the road you can upload them and use them as a reference when you trace the road into OSM. This can be especially useful if there are problems with the Bing imagery and you can't really see the road or it's out of date. answered 31 Mar '13, 11:37 InsertUser |
Hi Lee, you can report the missing road (use a meaningful description) with osm.org's "Notes" (or MapDust or in former times with the Notes predecessor OpenStreetBugs). Sooner or later a OSM volunteer will fix it. However, if you can spare a bit more time please add the road yourself! OSM's data can be edited by everybody. The maps will be updated (some minutes to weeks) automatically soon after your data edit. answered 30 Mar '13, 16:34 aseerel4c26 ♦ 5
OK, thanks. I have had a go at adding a road and a shared path. If I spot any more I'll add them.
(30 Mar '13, 20:19)
@lilolee: Great, thank you! I have sent
(31 Mar '13, 02:34)
aseerel4c26 ♦