Hi, I'm executing query: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=xml&city=Vilnius&country=Lithuania&addressdetails=1&amenity=cafe&addressdetails=1 I'm getting information about cafes. But I don't see any contact information such as web page, email or phone. Is it possible to get this information? Thanks! |
I would suggest a different approach:
You will get all the cafes in the bounding box and can click on any of it to see all details. And keep in mind: you will only get the information that was stored into the OSM database. /al 1
Thank you. So issue isn't the limitations of api, issue is lack of data in my country :)
(30 Mar '13, 16:15)
Nominatim can only return information that's stored in the OSM database. In the case of the first cafe on the list, that information isn't stored. If you want OSM to know what each cafe's contact information is, you need to visit them, ask them what their contact information is and add it to OSM. Thank you!
(30 Mar '13, 12:46)